Friday, July 1, 2011

Asking for your help... (UPDATED)

This will remain on top until voting ends at midnight on June 30th.  Thank you in advance to all of my followers and visitors for voting for me and hopefully for helping me win this contest.  I'll be forever grateful for your help!  Please scroll down to see more recent posts.

6/30/11 UPDATE:  I'm sorry to have been MIA for a couple of days.  I have been consumed by this contest I'm in and trying to recruit people to vote for me.  There is one other entry with which I am competing for the prize.  As of 12:54 today, I am trailing by 6 lousy votes!!!  If any of my followers can help by posting a link on your blogs and asking your supporters to help out a fellow crafter, I would be forever grateful.  As I said before, if I win, I promise to post some blog candy to celebrate!  Here is the current link to my entry.  When you access the contest site, a message may be displayed asking for access to your computer.  This is only to verify that the vote is coming from a real person with a real email address and not some automated voting machine.  It doesn't collect personal data.  Then just click on the vote button and you're done!  Trust me when I say that I wouldn't ask for this big a favor if it wasn't important.  That prize money will help me pay some bills while I continue to look for a job.  Thanks so much for every one of you who is helping me.  This is a special community and I'm so proud to be a part of it.  Voting ends at midnight tonight and I'll post the outcome as soon as I know what it is.  Thanks so much and have a safe and happy 4th!  

Good Monday morning, friends!

I don't have a new post up yet (that will come later in the day) but in the meantime, I'm asking for your help. I recently entered a contest with Oriental Trading Co. called Get Crafty and the voting phase has just started.  The grand prize is $1000 Visa gift card!  I don't think I have to tell you what that kind of money would mean to someone who has been out of work for 10 months!  Being single and the sole provider for my household, it's been a long dry spell and even with my diligent searching, I'm having a very hard time finding a new job.  Even though unemployment benefits have kept me in my home so far, it just isn't enough to cover all the household expenses and with summer electric bills hanging over my head, winning this contest would provide a few months reprieve while I continue searching for a new position.  I don't like to dwell on the negative, as I believe things happen for a reason, but I'm beginning to worry a bit that I haven't even received an offer after all the applications I have submitted and interviews in which I have participated.

Anyway, I am asking for your votes on my entry to this contest. It's a project that I posted on my blog some time back and it's one of my favorite creations. There are pictures on the contest entry page but if you're interested in the details and lots more pictures, you can see it here. It shouldn't take but a minute of your time to cast your vote and I would truly appreciate your support.  I'll provide a direct link to my entry to make it super simple for you.  Here's a picture just to show you what you'll be voting on.

Click here to be transported to my entry.  Again, I appreciate your help and support very much.  If I happen to win, I promise that I'll post blog candy to celebrate! Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Please Note:  I have been contacted by a couple of my blogger friends saying they had problems accessing the voting page.  I just wanted to let you know that the contest is on Facebook and you have to have a Facebook account to be able to vote.  If you have problems getting the page to load, check your settings.  If you're in secure mode, turn that off temporarily and turn it back one after you have voted.  I apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused you if you tried to vote and couldn't.  I have tested the link and it seems to be working fine for me so let me know if there are any issues other than these.



  1. Consider this done sweetie! Thinking of you and hope that things will turn out how you'd like! BIG HUGS

  2. I just voted and posted it on my FB wall. Good Luck. I ha trouble accessing the site It was because I had FB on the secure mode It blocks access to a lot of apps. If you turn it off you can vote then you can turn it back on. Hope this helps!
    Big Blog Hugs!

  3. I am so all over this one. I can whip up 4 or 5 votes between me and my kids & their "sweeties". Can we vote more than once? Good luck!

  4. Gorgeous project! I voted for you. Good luck :).

  5. Loved what you made, cast my vote. Good luck!

  6. Hi, this is Terri of Two Pink Peas. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my blog, entering my blog candy, becoming a follower and friending my on facebook. It really means alot to me. I am now a follower of your blog and I just voted for you. Good luck I REALLY hope that you win. Your project is simply gorgeous. I think I voted under my personal facebook page though. It is under Terri Snider-Mez. Anyhow, I really hope you win and let me know if you do!! Terri of Two Pink Peas

  7. Gorgeous creation. Voted. Good luck, I hope you win and I am still adding your job situation to my prayer list!!Hugs~Bren

  8. Your altered chocolate box is AMAZING. I love all the wonderful colors you chose. Way to De-Clutter. Just voted @ FB and keeping my fingers crossed for you to win XXXXXXXXXX

  9. This box is stunning. Love the gorgeous details! I've voted and wish you the best in the contest! ~ Blessings

  10. Hey Girl, i've voted and asked my followers to help you out...i'm crossing my fingers for you....i know it, your gonna win..


I love hearing what you have to say so feel free to leave a comment.